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SCHEDULE台湾チームメンバー (写真左より)笹岡 洋志 菊地 あさみ 橋渡 夏衣 熊谷 卓也海洋環境学科4年 海洋環境学科2年 海洋環境学科2年 海洋環境学科3年(リーダー) (サブリーダー)台北・基隆・花蓮で台湾の魅力を満喫!Month Date Day2 23 Tue24 Wed25 Thu26 Fri27 Sat28 Sun29 Mon3 1 Tue2 Wed3 Thu4 Fri5 Sat6 Sun7 Mon8 Tue9 Wed10 Thu11 Fri12 Sat13 Sun14 Mon15 Tue16 Wed17 Thu18 Fri19 SatReport Preparation DayReport Preparation DayReport Preparation DayScheduleHaneda to TaipeiItokin Office, Factory tourInterchange Association JapanGyokuransou Inspire ProjectNational Taiwan Ocean University (Keelung)Museum Internship at National Museum of MarineScience and Technology (NMMST) (Keelung)Off DayPublic HolidayResearch Internship at Institute of Oceangraphy,National Taiwan University (IONTU)Final PresentationTaipei to HanedaJapanese Chamber of Commerce & IndusutryInstitute of Oceangraphy, National Taiwan University(IONTU)AjinomotoReport Preparation DayOff DayOcean LanceNational Taiwan Ocean UniversityReport Preparation DayOff Day14